Everyone is welcome!

Special Events

Workshops, Retreats, and so much more.

Why Me? How to Purify Negative Karma

Sat, May 11:  10 am – 12:45 pm

Workshop with visiting teacher Gen Tashi

When things happen to us and we experience problems or pain, we often wonder why this is happening to us, and we have no idea what to do about it. The Buddhist teachings on karma explain that all our present experiences are the results of actions we engaged in previously, but that it is possible to purify our negative karma before it gives rise to more suffering for us in the future. This is one of the most beneficial things we can do with our time in this life. Register today

The Great Compassion of Our Mothers

Sun, May 12:  11 am – 12:30 pm

Special Mother’s Day class with visiting teacher Gen Tashi

How to Rely on A Spiritual Guide

Sat, June 1:  10 am – 12:45 pm

Saturday Workshop

Offering Our Faith Retreat

Tue, June 4:  10 am – 3:30 pm

Offering to the Spiritual Guide puja (7 – 8:30pm)

Death and Dying: The Buddhist Perspective

Sat, June 15:  10 am – 12:45 pm

Workshop with Gen Jindak

Drop-In Meditation Classes

Engaging and practical stand-alone classes for all levels of experience!


11am – 12:30pm


Hollywood branch
6:30pm – 7:30pm


Port St. Lucie branch
6:30pm – 7:45pm


Prayers for World Peace
6pm – 6:30pm


12pm – 1pm


Delray Beach branch
7pm – 8pm /monthly


7pm – 8:15pm


Free Beach Meditation
8:30am – 9am /monthly

Study Programs

Ready to take your understanding and practice to the next level? Let’s talk.

Foundation Program
Meaningful to Behold

Teacher Training Program
Tantric Grounds & Paths

Free Pujas – Chanted Meditations

Essential self-guided, chanted meditations for deepening our practice.

Heart Jewel
The essence practice of Kadampa Buddhism

Powa Ceremony
For the deceased

Offering to the Spiritual Guide
The essence practice of Lamrim

Wishfulfilling Jewel
Purify negativity and accumulate merit

Tara Puja
Request blessings for all living beings

35 Medicine Buddhas
Swifty purify negative actions

Kadampa Festivals

Join Kadampas from around the world for unforgettable spiritual retreats. Available in person or online.

address 4342 E Tradewinds Ave,  Lauderdale-by-the-Sea FL 33308  (map)
phone (954) 372-7481
email kmcfortl@gmail.com
hours Sunday:  11:30 am – 2 pm   |   Wednesday:  11 am – 12 pm   |   Thursday:  6 pm – 7 pm   |   Saturday:  9:30 am – 2 pm (on event dates)

Daily Agenda

(954) 372-7481   |   4342 E Tradewinds Ave, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea FL 33308   map >

KMC Fort Lauderdale offers an extensive program of day courses, meditation classes, study programs and retreats where you can develop mindfulness and learn meditation techniques. The methods and practices taught at the Center are suitable for all individuals, whatever your level of interest. Following Buddha’s special advice, we can relax our mind, find a deep and lasting inner peace, and become of greater benefit to others.

We want to be happy all the time, even during sleep. How can we do this? We can do this through training in meditation because meditation makes our mind peaceful, and when our mind is peaceful we are happy all the time, even if our external conditions are poor. On the other hand, when our mind is not peaceful we are not happy, even if our external conditions are excellent.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, How to Understand the Mind

Resident Teacher

Gen Kelsang Jindak has been a disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 20 years. Ordained as a Buddhist nun in 2003, she was given the name Kelsang Jindak, which means “Fortunate Benefactor”. She has many years of experience teaching and volunteering at Kadampa Centers around the U.S. Gen Jindak has a clear, joyful teaching style and presents Kadampa Buddhism practically, for both beginners and experienced meditators alike.

Meditation Teachers

Dawn Jackson lives on Florida’s Treasure Coast and was previously active with KMC Long Island. With over 20 yrs of experience, she’s taught general program meditation classes, the Foundation Program, and classes for children and teens. Her encouraging, joyful style makes it easy to learn how to apply Buddha’s teachings to our daily lives so that everything we do becomes a meaningful practice.  Port St. Lucie class >

Michele Souter has practiced meditation and Kadampa Buddhism on the Teacher Training Program for many years. She has an insightful sensitivity for the needs of people, and a kind, loving way of making others feel comfortable and cherished. As a teacher, she skillfully introduces meditation and basic Buddhist ideas and practices to newcomers. Wed Lunchtime class >

Duane Butler has practiced meditation and Kadampa Buddhism for many years and studies in our Foundation Program. He is currently co-teaching our Sunday morning meditation classes. He’s very knowledgeable and passionate in his presentation of Dharma, and includes real-life, relatable examples in his teachings.

Frank DeLeo has practiced meditation and Kadampa Buddhism since 2009, studies in our Foundation Program, and has attended many Kadampa festivals and retreats over the years. He’s appreciated for giving practical teachings with real-life examples, and teaches with warmth and enthusiasm.

Jan Olson has been studying Kadampa Buddhism since 2012. Currently she studies on the Foundation Program at KMC Fort Lauderdale. Her joyful enthusiasm for her meditation practice is inspiring and encouraging to others. Tuesday Prayers for World Peace >

Rae Landers has practiced meditation and Kadampa Buddhism since 2015, studies on our Teacher Training Program, and has attended many Kadampa festivals and retreats. She’s known for her gentle, and compassionate approach to teaching, helping students find peace and joy in their practice.  Beach Meditation >

Star Sandow has been practicing meditation and Kadampa Buddhism for over 25 years. She served for many years as the Resident Teacher at KMC Long Island, and has taught in NYC, Boston and the Kadampa Temple in Glen Spey. Star is appreciated for her gentle, kind, warm-hearted teaching style, and she helps students discover profound meaning and joy in their Dharma practice.

Ianca Flores has 20 years of experience as a sincere practitioner of Buddha’s teachings as presented by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Through applying Buddha’s wisdom, he’s received immense benefit and improved all aspects of his life – and he enjoys sharing his experience so that others may do the same. Ianca is also a proud father of two teenage boys and a native Floridian.

Buddha Shakyamuni

The founder of Buddhism in this world was Buddha Shakyamuni who lived and taught in India some two and a half thousand years ago. Since then millions of people around the world have followed the pure spiritual path he revealed.

Buddha explained that all our problems and suffering arise from confused and negative states of mind, and all our happiness and good fortune arise from peaceful and positive states of mind. He taught methods for gradually overcoming minds such as anger, jealousy and ignorance, and developing positive minds such as love, compassion and wisdom. Through this we will come to experience lasting peace and happiness. These methods work for anyone, in any country, of any age. Once we have gained experience of them for ourselves we can pass them on to others so they, too, can enjoy the same benefits.

The Buddhist way of life – peace, loving kindness and wisdom – is just as relevant today as it was when Buddha appeared in ancient India.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

The Founder of Modern Kadampa Buddhism is Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, affectionately known as Venerable Geshe-la, a world-renowned meditation master and Teacher. He inspired thousands of people around the world to apply the pure teachings of Buddha to their modern lives to solve their personal problems and discover a deep and lasting inner peace and happiness. Today, the legacy of his life’s work touches the lives of people of all nationalities and cultures.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche devoted his entire life to making the pure teachings of Buddha available in a modern form to people throughout the world. Now Venerable Geshe-la’s followers holding him at their hearts continue his work with auspicious projects in every region of the world.

Read about Venerable Geshe-la’s life >
Kadampa Brochure 2024 >
Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong
General Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong is a modern Buddhist nun dedicated to helping people from all walks of life attain lasting happiness through developing inner peace. She’s the Principal Resident Teacher at Manjushri KMC and International Retreat Center, and has been a student of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for more than thirty years. Gen-la has inspired thousands of people through her sincere reliance on her Spiritual Guide, her tireless dedication to helping Kadam Dharma flourish throughout the world, and her clear and accessible teachings.

Gen-la Kelsang Jampa
Deputy Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition

Gen-la Kelsang Jampa is the Resident Teacher of International Kadampa Retreat Center Grand Canyon. He is dedicated to helping people solve their daily problems by developing the capacity of their mind through the practice of meditation and modern Buddhism. Gen-la Jampa is well-loved for his clear and inspiring teachings, and his ability to touch people’s hearts through his sincerity and loving kindness.

Kadam Morten Clausen
Eastern US National Spiritual Director

Kadam Morten is the Resident Teacher at the Kadampa Meditation Center New York City.

Gen Kelsang Demo
Midwest US National Spiritual Director

Gen Demo is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Washington DC.

Gen Kelsang Rigpa
Western US National Spiritual Director

Gen Rigpa is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Hollywood.

Kadampa  Living Clarity  Podcasts are on your favorite podcast apps.

Why Meditate?

The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful.

If we examine our life we will discover that most of our time and energy is devoted to mundane activities, such as seeking material and emotional security, enjoying sensory pleasures, or establishing a good reputation. Although these things can make us happy for a short time, they are not able to provide the deep lasting contentment that we long for. Sooner or later our happiness turns into dissatisfaction, and we find ourselves engaged in the pursuit of more worldly pleasures.

Directly or indirectly, worldly pleasures cause us mental and physical suffering by stimulating attachment, jealousy, and frustration. Moreover, seeking to fulfill our own desires often bring us into conflict with others. If true fulfillment cannot be found in worldly pleasures, then where can it be found? Happiness is a state of mind, therefore the real source of happiness lies in the mind, not in external circumstances.

The method to make our mind pure and peaceful is to train in meditation.

Activities Calendar

Drop-In Meditation Classes  |  Free Activities  |  Special Events & Study Programs  (Click on any activity for more details.)